If 2025 the year you are going to learn how to create beautiful natural looking light with off-camera flash, you are in the right place! Learning to use artificial light is an absolute game-changer for any photographer, but especially for newborn and family photographers. This one simple skill will boost your confidence, improve your work, and […]
One of my favorite things about the holiday season? The soft glow of Christmas tree lights all December long! What parent hasn’t asked for “one photo of the kids in front of the Christmas tree”, as a way to remember the magic of childhood and Christmas. But parents (and photographers!) quickly realize how tricky this […]
In the Sandra Coan Certification program, we have several members who earn a significant portion of their income as school photographers. They work with all ages, from preschools to elementary school to high schools, both public and private. Some Certification members had previous experience working with artificial light, but others had been strictly natural light […]
I started my photography career in 1999. And I can honestly say that being a professional newborn and family photographer is amazing! I do what I love each and every day while also providing for me and my family financially. I get to make my own schedule and have the freedom to shape my work […]
Working as an educator in the photography industry, I get the opportunity to speak with photographers from all over the world on a regular basis. And the question I get the most? “How do I book more photography clients??” I get it. After riding a wave of post-pandemic client spending, some photographers are seeing a […]
It’s almost the holiday season, which for photographers means…mini sessions! Mini sessions are a hot topic in the photography community – you either love them or hate them. And if you’re in the “I hate mini sessions” camp, I’m here to change your mind! Not only can mini sessions can be a profitable addition to […]