Learn the foundation for stand-out photography — for free.

Anything-but-Basic Basics

The Basics of Maternity, Newborn, & Family Photography

In the Sandra Coan Certification program, we have several members who earn a significant portion of their income as school photographers. They work with all ages, from preschools to elementary school to high schools, both public and private. Some Certification members had previous experience working with artificial light, but others had been strictly natural light […]

Earlier this year I launched Sandra Coan Certification, and I’d like to tell you a little bit about it! First of all, Sandra Coan Certification is NOT just another online class. It is a professional accreditation program. And the only one currently on the market that is designed specifically for maternity, newborn and family photographers. […]

I started my photography business in 1999, sort of by accident. Photography had always been something I loved, but I never thought it could be a job, let alone a career.  It was just something I played around with on the weekend.  But in 1999 I was teaching kindergarten and struggling to get by on […]


Working as an educator in the photography industry, I get the opportunity to speak with photographers from all over the world on a regular basis. And the question I get the most? “How do I book more photography clients??” I get it. After riding a wave of post-pandemic client spending, some photographers are seeing a […]

My name is Fran Dickerson. I’m a portrait photographer based in North Carolina who is currently working towards becoming a certified photographer under Sandra Coan. Sandra Coan’s Photography Certification Program has been a game-changer for me so far. I have never experienced a program with such hands-on support from the teacher and the other students […]

I entered the photography world the way a lot of women do: by accident. I was a kindergarten teacher, with twin boys at home. I was desperate for a way to supplement my income, and maybe (just maybe!) get the chance to be a full time stay-at-home mom while doing so. The problem? I didn’t […]