Is Sandra Coan Certification Worth It?

Last week I hosted an “Open House” Zoom call for people who had questions about Sandra Coan Certification, and several of our current members joined the call

Now, it’s one thing for me to slide into your inbox and tell you how great Sandra Coan Certification is.

It’s another thing entirely to hear what the people who are in the program have to say!

Here are some of the take-aways from the call!

On Confidence

Angela joined Sandra Coan Certification in May of 2023.

“I originally joined the certification program because I struggled hardcore with imposter syndrome. Now I have the skills and knowledge of the technicals, and that is helping my confidence. But also having not only Sandra who has a fantastic eye, but a whole group of people who also have fantastic eyes going through and telling me, yes, you’re on the right track here, has also helped my imposter syndrome go away. So now I can go into sessions and I know I’m going to create what I want to create regardless of time of day, regardless of weather conditions! ​​And so that imposter syndrome has just vanished!”

Luisa shared similar feedback. “Being in certification has given me more confidence. I’m more aware of what I’m doing when I am working with my camera. So for me, it has been a life changing,”

On Technical Skill

Mandie joined the program because she was desperate for honest help! And now, just a few months later, her work has completely transformed!

“When I started the program, I was kind of all over the place, especially my lighting. Everyone would say “find the light”, “study the light”, and I didn’t know what that meant. I needed more specifics and I needed someone who would do the one-on-ones with me. I mean, my work has definitely improved!”

Liz worked exclusively with natural light before joining the program and now says…

“I never would’ve thought two years ago that I would be using a strobe in someone’s house, but it feels so good to just walk into a room and be like, this room is way too dark. I’m not going to fight with it. I don’t want to deal with it. I’m just going to add a light! That has been huge for my confidence. I came into the program hating everything I was producing. I was a disaster. But now I love it all!”

On Community

One of the things I’m most proud of about this community is how open, kind and helpful everyone is with each other!

Angela shared, “I’ve built this extensive community and I genuinely like these people and want to hang out with them and can’t wait for the retreat! I get to be in the same place as people who just get me in a lot of ways. So the community is definitely topnotch.

Mandie commented “We all share each other’s knowledge. So it’s not just Sandra’s knowledge, we’re getting everybody else’s too. I’ve not seen that before in a mastermind or a group before. Everyone is so willing to share information with each other.

On Personal and Business Growth

Kristin joined in January of 2024 and shared “I was basically at the end of my rope when I joined. I’ve had a studio for years and I wanted to be the go-to newborn photographer in my area, I just couldn’t figure out how. And now that I’m getting everything consistent, I’m using the techniques that I’m learning in the course and learning about SEO, I’m ranking number one for my area for newborn photographers! I’m number two or three, for general photographers in my area. So just having that makes it worth it. I also have always craved honest and goodness feedback and just no BS feedback. And that’s what I get from not only Sandra, but from the other people in the group. That’s what I needed. That’s what I craved. And now I have it!

Kristin also added, “No matter how long you’ve been in photography or just been taking pictures in general, you will fit in and the course will be beneficial to you!

On the Financial Commitment

Sandra Coan Certification is an investment! And I know a lot of people are concerned about the price.

To that Angela shared “ I more than made back the investment last year and this year, I’m at the point in May where my income is already what it was at the end of 2023!! “

Mandie said “I paid $50K for college and got way more out of this Certification program this past a year! And it was only $4k!

She also added “ I’m charging more now, so I’m doing less shoots and making more money! The program has paid for itself in spades… It was totally worth it for me. More than college ever was!”

To Mandie’s comment, Liz added, “I completely agree with that. I have definitely booked more shoots knowing I can walk into a room and make it work no matter what. And I’m the first one to say that I’m very terrified of money and money conversations and so I was super freaked out about the investment, but I have absolutely made the money back and then some.

Apply today!

Applying only takes a few minutes, and it will give us the opportunity to sit down, face to face, and answer any questions or concerns you may have about the program.

​Follow this link to apply!