Do You Need a Certification if You Have a Photography Degree?

Laura Watts Walsh is a Sandra Coan Certified photographer based in Utah.

(Check out her gorgeous work!)

Laura came to the Sandra Coan Certification program with a lot of experience. In fact, she has a degree in photography! So I asked her if she thinks people need certification if they already have a photography degree.

This is what she had to say:

In May 2023 I joined the first group of photographers that started the brand new Sandra Coan Certification Program. In April 2024, I officially became a certified member.

This group and program has completely changed and brightened my life and business in ways I hadn’t expected and here’s why!

Why I Initially Joined the Sandra Coan Certification Program, Even Though I Have a Photography Degree:

As a creative, I think I often have the tendency to second guess myself.

I have been photographing children and families for many years, but always had in the back of my mind “Am I good enough?” Or “Am I doing this correctly?”

What I really craved was for an expert someone to really look at my work and tell my what I needed to improve and work harder on.

While working through the certification course work and having conversations with Sandra and my fellow photographers in the group, I was reassured that, yes, I in fact knew what I was doing, that with a few tweaks I was really able to make my work more polished!

I now have more confidence to promote myself and my business!

One of the Biggest things I’ve Improved In while Being in Certification:

I studied photography in college and had gone through lots of classes and was taught many different areas of photography.

My college experience was a treasure and I enjoyed so many parts of it. Something, however, my college photography education did not prepare me for was the business side of photography.

I had no idea how to promote or market myself.

I went so many years not knowing how to best communicate to potential clients or best serve them.

In the Sandra Coan Certification Program, Sandra teaches her students exactly what they need to do.

Sandra teaches in such an easy to understand way and gives such relatable examples.

No question or topic is off limits in the Facebook group and the monthly coaching calls. Sandra freely shares all of her knowledge and expertise from her many years as a successful business owner.

My Honest Opinion of the Yearly Retreats:

Another of the main reasons I joined Certification was to be a part of a global photography community. Sandra seems to attract other photographers that are kind, supportive, and encouraging.

An added bonus of being in Certification is being able to attend a yearly retreat where all member get together and learn and grow together.

Being able to communicate online and digitally is one thing…but being able to be in the same room with so many like-minded excited people is really invigorating!

Each member of certification has something unique and special to bring to the table. We not only get to learn from Sandra, but from other photographers!

I have not only gained professional connections, but life-long personal friendships. I have found my people!


Is Sandra Coan Certification right for you?

Apply today!

Apply to the program gives you the opportunity to sit down with Sandra on a Zoom so you can learn more about the program and whether or not it’s a good fit for you.