How To Book More Photography Clients in 2025

Working as an educator in the photography industry, I get the opportunity to speak with photographers from all over the world on a regular basis. And the question I get the most?

“How do I book more photography clients??”

I get it. After riding a wave of post-pandemic client spending, some photographers are seeing a decline in inquiries and bookings in 2025. And this has photographers panicked! I’m seeing more photographers paying for ads, offering up free sessions, and reducing their prices. 

But not only is this an expensive decision, it’s not working.

Who am I?

I am Sandra Coan, a family and newborn studo photographer, with 25+ years experience in the industry. I’ve weathered multiple recessions (hello, 2008!), and built a thriving high volume studio in Seattle. I photograph 150-200 clients per year, on a consistent basis throughout the year.

Rather than paying for ads or burning myself out with daily posts to Instagram to promote my studio, I created what I now call the Modern Marketing Method for my studio photography business.

Click here for my FREE 30 minute training on the Modern Marketing Method!

Traditional Marketing Methods for Photography Businesses

The typical marketing advice for photographers is to focus on social media and paid ads. Daily posts. Commenting on profiles. Waiting for ISO posts in Facebook groups. Follow trains. Spending hundreds of dollars on Google or Facebook ads.

Not only does this not work, it’s exhausting.

Traditional marketing methods for photographers involve:

  • Attracting as many eyes as possible to your work
  • Attempting to connect with as many of those people as you can
  • Convincing those people to get in touch to ask about your prices or services
  • Getting clients on the phone or email to make a sales pitch

Your marketing copy will be written from your perspective – why you’re the best, why someone should hire you, why you’re “worth” what you’re charging.

Not only does this require a lot of effort on your part, it means you are constantly needing to create content for the top of the funnel. It means your first interaction with a potential client is a sales pitch, rather than a connection point. It can feel uncomfortable and sales-y, which means you’ll avoid marketing at all costs.

A better approach to marketing

In an effort to get away from the exhausting rat race of traditional marketing, I’ve created the Modern Marketing Method.

In the Modern Marketing Method, your marketing is client centered. You talk about topics your client is curious about, and answer questions they might have. Rather than hiding information in order to get clients to contact you (like your pricing!), you are up front and transparent with your information.

Client centered marketing builds trust. It educates your clients about your business, allowing them to connect with you before ever meeting you. That sounds way better than having their first experience with you being a sales pitch, right??

By educating rather than selling, marketing suddenly becomes fun. And even better?? It works.

When you create content people want to engage with (and DO engage with!), it signals that you have information people want to see. Your website is going to get pushed higher in search results, and your posts will get seen by more of your audience. 

Click here for my FREE 30 minute training on the Modern Marketing Method!

“Why doesn’t marketing work for me?”

Over the years, I’ve heard SO many photographers say the same thing: “Marketing just doesn’t work for me.”

But I’m here to tell you, marketing CAN work for you.

As photographers, we communicate about our business in two major ways: with our work and with our words. And if you’re not booking clients, it’s probably because you’re having trouble in one of these two areas!

What are some signs you might have trouble with your work?

  • Clients sending you Pinterest boards, rather than wanting the work you’re providing
  • You’re attracting price shoppers
  • Clients running the show before, during, and after sessions
  • You’re nervous sending galleries

What are some signs you might be having trouble with your words?

  • Your website isn’t showing up in search engine result
  • You have low engagement on social media
  • Clients are ghosting you after inquiring
  • You have high maintenance clients

The hardest part of the Modern Marketing Method is identifying if you have a problem with your work or your words or both. Which is why I provide FREE one-on-one feedback on your words and your work during the application process for Sandra Coan Certification. 

During the application process, you share your business goals. I’ll take a look at your portfolio, and in a one-on-one conversation, identify where you need to focus your educational efforts.

Can you imagine:

  • Having clients who book you for your style?
  • Feeling in charge of your sessions?
  • Booking sessions at a profitable rate?
  • Feeling excited to send your clients their galleries??

This is why I’ve created the Sandra Coan Certification program. To help photographers like you book more clients, and build a sustainable, profitable business. I will help you focus on your work and your words, providing an educational resource for everything from lighting to pricing to marketing.

Click here for my FREE 30 minute training on the Modern Marketing Method!

There is no commitment when applying! While I would love to have you in the Sandra Coan Certification program if it’s a good fit for you, I will give you honest feedback on whether or not the program is right for you. Apply today!