Sandra Coan Certification: Student Profile

Laura Watts Walsh.  Sandra Coan Certified Photographer

Laura Watts Walsh joined the Sandra Coan Certification program in May of 2023 and earned her certification in April of 2024!

Her photography is absolutely stunning! (Follow this link to have a look!)

I’m SO very proud to have worked with her over the past year.

A Seasoned Photographer, New to the Business Side

Laura has been a photographer for over 15 years, but she was fairly new to the business side of photography when she joined Sandra Coan Certification.

When she applied in May of 2023, she had only been in business for about a year.

In her application, she shared that her biggest struggles were finding clients and overcoming imposter syndrome—both incredibly relatable challenges.

Marketing can be tough if you’ve never been taught how to do it, and confidence is crucial to finding success as a photographer! That is why we focus on both inside of Sandra Coan Certification!

Transforming Struggles into Success

Fast forward to today, one year later, and Laura is thriving!

She’s ranking on Google, has a clear and consistent portfolio, and is doing what she loves rather than what she feels pressured to do.

She has gained a ton of confidence and recently told me that she is actually excited about marketing her business!

Personalized Support and Feedback

One of the benefits of the Sandra Coan Certification program is the opportunity to have one-on-one meetings with me as you work through the program.

These meetings are designed to offer support, provide feedback, and critique your work. This ensures you’re on the right path and learning what you need to succeed.

If you need help or have questions, I’m here to assist. Plus, it’s really fun for me to see your progress as you go!

Laura credits these one-on-one meeting to helping grow her confidence.

The Certification Process

To earn certification, members submit a portfolio of 150 to 200 images. These images are then scored on a rubric, similar to a report card.

We work on fine-tuning that portfolio during our mentoring calls throughout the program so that when it comes time for you to apply, you know you are ready! I want to ensure that those who submit for certification set up for success.

A Final Mentoring Session with Laura

A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Laura for her final one-on-one meeting before she submitted her portfolio for certification.

When I sat down to talk with Laura, I had no intention of sharing our conversation. However, as we talked, she reflected on what she’s learned over the past year inside the Sandra Coan Certification program. It was truly inspiring, and I thought it would be helpful for those of you considering applying.

So I shared that conversation on my podcast. You can listen by following this link!

As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, Laura passed her certification review with flying colors and is now officially a Sandra Coan Certified photographer.

Congratulations, Laura!

Apply Today

Applications to this amazing program are currently open! If you are ready to transform your work, your marketing and your confidence, follow this link to apply today!