Do You Need a Certification to Be a Successful Photographer?

We’re opening applications for Sandra Coan Certification is just two weeks!  And so on today’s episode, I’d love to talk discuss the elephant in the room in regards to that program which is, do you need a certification to be a professional photographer? 

And are there any benefits to having one?  Is it actually necessary?  So if you are considering joining the Sandra Coan Certification program, or any other certification program, this episode is for you!

Sandra Coan Certification is a comprehensive program that teaches photographers ALL THE THINGS photographers need to be masters of their craft AND build a sustainable, scalable, and profitable photography business.

In the program we have detailed lessons on lighting (natural and artificial), posing, processing, portfolio curation, website design, brand build and marketing strategy for SEO and social media.

In addition to all of that, when enrolled you also get access to one on one mentoring with me, group coaching, AND exclusive access to our member’s only in-person retreats!

But, at the end of the day, this is a certification program, so one of the biggest benefits is that you earn a professional certification!!  

So what does that even mean?  Let’s talk about it.

First of all, do you need a certification to be a successful photographer?  The short answer is no! You don’t need certification.

In fact, there is very little required to become a photographer.

Most people start with just a camera. 

That’s it. 

When I started, I didn’t even have that!  I launched my career with borrowed gear!

So no, you do not need a certification. To be a photographer.

But just because you don’t need one, doesn’t mean it’s not important or helpful

Sandra Coan Certification will help fast track your career.

It gives you the training in all the things you need to know to be successful.

One of the unique things about our program is that in addition to the training, you get access to one-on-one mentors, group coaching AND in-person learning, so that you are getting critique, feedback and support in real time, as you learn!

Most courses do not offer that.

That high level of support gives you the opportunity to course correct if you need to, work through the materials, and gain mastery quicker than you would if you were trying to learn these skills on your own. So fast-tracking your learning is a huge benefit of the program.

Sandra Coan Certification helps you stand out from your competition.

A professional certification is something that everyone understands. 

It lets your clients and your peers know that you’ve been trained and tested. 

It sets you apart!

Anyone with a camera can call themselves a photographer.  But not everyone has what it takes to earn certification!  

So, having one under your belt is a great way to differentiate yourself from your competition.

Sandra Coan Certification will boost your confidence and kick imposter syndrome to the curb!

I’ve been coaching and mentoring other photographers for over a decade, and what I’ve learned is that most of us struggle with the “am I good enough?” question at some point. 

We all know anyone can call themselves a photographer. Anyone can pick up a camera, take pictures and even start charging for their service.  In fact, that’s how MOST photographers start!  Heck, that’s how I started!  

But, I also know that beginning self-taught can lead to a lot of self-doubt and a lot of mistakes. 

And over the years, I’ve seen too many talented people give up on their photography dreams because they lacked the confidence to say, “Yes!  I am good enough!”

And I think that’s due, in part, to the lack of accreditation programs in our industry.

I’m a certified teacher, and as such I know the power of having a professional certification.

Certification is proof of mastery!  It shows that you are an authority in your field. Being a certified teacher gives me confidence every time I create a course or stand on a stage.  

I KNOW that I know how to teach. I have the certification to prove it!  

I want to give you that same sense of knowing!

👉🏻 Applying to the program gives you the opportunity to share the goals you have for yourself, your photography, and your business with me! And it gives me the opportunity to audit your portfolio, your website and your social media so that I can be clear on how I can help you!

👉🏻  After your application is accepted, you’ll  be asked to schedule a Zoom call with me, where we can talk about the results of your audit, answer all of your questions, and get you enrolled.

👉🏻 Once in the program you’ll have detailed lessons on lighting (natural and artificial), posing, processing, portfolio curation, website design, brand building and marketing strategy.  Everything you need to know to run a successful photography business!

👉🏻 Enrolling in the program also gives you access to one-on-one mentoring with me AND group coaching meetings with the other photographers in the program where you can ask questions, share wins and learn from each other.

👉🏻 We also have an annual, members only, three day, in-person retreat that is included with your enrollment.  If you like fun, making new friends, hands-on learning and practice as well as access to bonuses and goodies from our sponsors, then you are going to LOVE this part of Sandra Coan Certification!

👉🏻 Once you graduate the program, you will have a polished, professional portfolio, a clear signature styles and a complete, solid marketing machine in place!  

👉🏻 You will know how to stand out from the crowd, what platforms to use, and how to effectively write blog posts and social media captions that convert people into paying clients!  

👉🏻 AND you will have the technical skills you need so that you will never have to feel worried, or stressed or unsure about a client session ever again! Good-bye Imposter Syndrome and HELLO CONFIDENCE!

👉🏻 You will have the opportunity to earn a certification, proof to you and to the world that you have been trained, and tested and that you know your stuff – complete with a badge for your website and a certificate for your wall.

👉🏻 Once certified, your name and contact information will be added to our international referral directory.

👉🏻  AND you get Business in a BOX!  Exclusive to certified members, Business in a Box includes a year’s worth of pre-written blog templates, social media posts, model releases, and more… all to help you and your business thrive!

Applications are open in just two weeks, so if you haven’t done so already, get your name on the waitlist!

Thanks for being with me today!